March 13, 2011

72- Arts festival, final part

Costrini de Sebastián Marcelo Guz: Humanus Comicus

Final day at the downtown arts festival. I have to say, for a third year, it was well worth it...

A while back I was thinking that there were no decent contact jugglers anymore, and much less in this remote area of the world. I saw a couple of those streetlight performers a few months ago, but they really didn't measure up to my reference benchmark, which for the moment is David Bowie (yeah, David Bowie), in Labyrinth.

But then I saw this guy, calls himself Costrini de Sebastian Marcelo Guz. And, I take it back... I have now seen a decent contact juggler in this part of the world =)

The photos from the festival turned out real good... and there's a couple which are absolutely amazing. I mean, to the point where they popped up on screen and I just stood there thinking "wait.. that shot is absolutely amazing... I cannot believe I did *that*".

Still a few days to go of processing, calibrating, and RAW conversion. But as soon as they're out, I'll let everyone know!

I did put up a few shots in the gallery, in case anyone should want to see what's come out so far.

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