September 27, 2010

Maps from way back when

Back in 1970

Looking for a map, I remembered that way back when there used to be a world atlas at the house. A big old thing, must have been at least 11x17", hardcover and all. I started going through the shelves, and what do you know... it's still there after all this time. Turning the first page, the publication date was 1970.

We´re all getting old =D

On a side note, I decided to turn over to Asia. And would you look at that kids, there really was a Soviet Union despite what Google Maps says xD

Back in 1970...

1 comment:

  1. yeah, my world atlas is from 1980 (and I still use it)
    Thinks like those are good to keep around, watching how the world collpase while we just pass by.
