December 14, 2010

And the weather outlook is

The outlook for today is

And the weather outlook for today is, cold. It's been really cold these past few days. It's stopped raining (still drizzles a bit at sunrise though), but the temperature is not going up.

Most people think that here since we have no formal winter, we don't get cold in December. Actually we do, weather patterns are global. Sometime around the middle of December it starts to get colder at night, and by Christmas if you don't have an extra blanket, you'll be waking up at night for sure.

How cold? The capital averages about 16 C during the day, and in some parts it can get down to below 10 C during the night. It might not seem that bad, compared to other places I've been where by this time of year they're looking at 10C from sunrise to sunset. But when you spend 11 months a year at 18 to 20 C, you notice those 2 o 3 missing degrees.

And I actually found myself taking the car to work nearly all of last week... because it was too darn cold in the morning. On Monday I decided if cold was an issue, I was going to be waiting until january to ride again. No way... a jacket fixed the problem, for the time being.

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